Appointment Booking
Appointment Booking
Appointment Booking

Let's us care for you
Our staffs and medical professions from various background and experiences are here to make sure you have the best care while staying with us.
Let's us care for you
Our staffs and medical professions from various background and experiences are here to make sure you have the best care while staying with us.
Make an appointment
with your doctor today!
Easy and fast way to contact us online is here. Please fill in this form and we will contact you ASAP to confirm your schedule : )
Make an appointment
with your doctor today!
Easy and fast way to contact us online is here. Please fill in this form and we will contact you ASAP to confirm your schedule : )
Call us
+66 32 532 576
+66 32 532 576
Ext. 107, 108
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Here are some common questions.
Find answers for some of our customers’ frequently asked questions here. Let us know if you can’t find any answer for yours.

Room prices are separated by room type and additional services. For general information about our rooms and amenities, visit: Please contact us at for more detail.
More Information :
Promotional price for influenza vaccine: 850 Thai Baht (including doctor’s fees and hospital service fees)
Every day from 7:00 – 15:15
Starting at 4,800 baht (advance appointment required only). Please contact us for more information and schedule a visit:
Not all the services and medical treatments in the program needed prior appointment. However, some items require to be scheduled in advance, such as gynecologists, ultrasound), x-rays for mammograms, ultrasound, and heart examinations. Thus, we recommended you to book a time and notify our staff about your interest in the Health Check-Up Program.
We offer maternity and birth treatment. Please contact us for more detail.
Phone: +6632562576
International Staffs:
400 baht (including doctor’s fees and hospital service fees).
You can contact the Human Resources Department directly at or Facebook Fan Page: HR at San Paulo Hua-Hin Hospital. See also:

Have a question? We speak English German, and Filipino.
Let’s us help you! Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any inquiry.
International Service Center
- +66 32 562 576 Ext. ???

Have a question?
We speak English German, and Filipino.
Let’s us help you! Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any inquiry.
International Service Center
- +66 32 562 576 Ext. 112

Have a question? We speak English German, and Filipino.
Let’s us help you! Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any inquiry.
International Service Center
- +66 32 562 576 Ext. ???